09 Uninvited Guests
Webmistress's Drawing of a Sculpture.  Artist Unknown.
          Hall of Seasons  



By: Kiri

Chapter  9  of Uninvited Guests  





The wind blew coldly around the alley entrance he was huddled in. His contact was late again. Jemeth was cold, hungry and now late for his duties, but he dared not leave until the man showed up. Jemeth briefly considered entering the tavern he stood next to, then rejected it. However wonderful mulled ale might be -- it would not be comfortable next to what would happen if he weren't waiting in the exact spot he should be. Stamping his feet he continued to wait. A few minutes later a dark cloaked figure approached him from behind. The newcomer cleared his throat and gestured for Jemeth to follow him back down the alley a ways. Moment's later Jemeth emerged from the alley and hurried towards the guard barracks.

Rothana was relaxing in the solar, reading some scrolls Richenda had left for her to study. Her long dark hair was unbound and drying in the fire's warmth. Just entering the last stages of her pregnancy she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable and unwieldy. To be able to relax and put her feet up was a joy.

She had just settled into the ancient poetry when a visitor was announced. She strove to extricate herself from the chair before the visitor reached the solar. She did not succeed.

Azim entered the room like a desert wind. Without seeming to hurry he reached her side and eased her back into the chair.

::My darling niece, you must relax and take care of yourself. There's no need to stand upon ceremony with your old uncle :: he sent with affection.

Her surprise was evident even without the touch of minds.

"Uncle!" she stuttered.

"What brings you here to Coroth so late in the season?" she queried.
"Why to spend some time with my niece and perhaps obtain an invitation to stay for the holidays next month!" he said out loud.
::and to warn you that there is danger afoot in Gwynedd. A courier was intercepted a fortnight ago, I must to speak to Alaric and the king as soon as possible. We shall speak further of this later, mundane chatter must do - until we can speak unhindered.:: he sent in a controlled burst.
"Ah! Spiced Fianna," he said as he took a sip from the goblet that he'd been handed. "Morgan still keeps a fine cellar!"

Taking a larger draught Azim settled into the chair across the fireplace from Rothana, he motioned to the page, who had served the wine.

"Would you please see if there is anything to eat? I've just left my ship and I believe my niece would also enjoy a slight repast. Also see that my saddlebags are brought, I have brought something for my nieces."

Glancing at Rothana, who nodded her approval, the boy left for the kitchens.

"Now my dear what are you reading?"

Richenda took off Briony's cloak and outer wear. laying them over the stool in front of the fire to dry. Settling her daughter comfortably into the bed, she brought over some light ale, cheese, and bread for the girl to eat. Soaking the bread in the ale and feeding it to Briony gave Richenda time to examine the chamber and think of what to do next. Soon Briony nodded off to sleep. Richenda then took off her own outer skirt, relieved to find that her underskirts were still dry and she wouldn't have to strip down to her shift. Laying her travel garments on the other stool, she sat in the chair by the tray and ate a little herself.

::It's too early to use the medal to contact Alaric :: she thought to herself.

Grabbing her belt pouch she fished out the medal and her ward cubes in their little bag. Holding them in her hand she grabbed her cloak and opened a small pocket hidden inside. Depositing the items she laced the pocket closed again. Satisfied she replaced the cloak upon the stool.

No sooner had she finished eating than she heard the bolt being undone. She stood quickly moving over to protect Briony. Alekseyevich entered the room trailed by two men and the guards.

"Get dressed." he barked "Now. We are leaving shortly"

The guards returned to their posts outside the door while Alekseyevich and the other man took seats by the fire. Facing away from her Alekseyevich commented,

"This is as private as you'll get. I told you to be quick when we arrived."

Richenda turned to wake and dress Briony. The other man silently brought Briony's clothes, which were now dry, and her own over and placed them upon the coverlet. Slipping her own overskirt back on and fastening her cloak, she turned to face her captors.

"Good." Alekseyevich commented. "Continue to behave like this and we shall have little trouble."

Alekseyevich took a flask out of his doublet and tossing the ale into the fire he filled it with a red liquid. Handing it to his companion he continued to address Richenda.

"You and your daughter will drink this. All of it. Your daughter first."

Richenda started to protest.

Alekseyevich cut her off.

"Either you drink it or you will have it forced into you. Is that clear?"

Angry, Richenda nodded.

"Good. Now this is only a sedative, it will not harm you or the child."

Alekseyevich turned to take the cup from the other man who had just finished mixing in a white powder. Swirling it to be certain it was completely dissolved Alekseyevich handed it to Richenda.

"The girl first."

Richenda considered tossing the contents upon the floor, but one look at Alekseyevich assured her that he would force them to drink it, or something like it. Taking a small sip to assure herself it was safe, she coaxed Briony to drink.

"That's enough," said the other man softly, "It is quite potent."

Richenda settled her daughter back onto the covers.

"Now you madam." Alekseyevich uttered, "This is taking too long, drink it!"

Richenda brought the cup to her lips. Swalllowing it she decided the vintage was passable and that the sedative left barely an aftertaste. As she drained the cup she realized that it was potent and quick. Her vision was already blurring. She heard Alekseyevich call for the guards to carry her and Briony just before succumbing to the darkness.

Denis Arilan appeared just outside the Council Chambers. He could see a light within the chamber itself. Striding forward, he entered to see Kyri de Roiste already there. Noticing several scrolls and a broken message packet he waited for her to end her summons to the others.

"Why are you summoning the council?" he asked.

"I have received word from an ally of a situation that effects the Torenthi throne. a situation that may very well demand our immediate attention." She said. "You're here too soon to have received my summons. Why are you here?"
"I came to inform the council of something no less important myself," he replied "Your summons to the others means we can address both issues in the same session."
"What has happened?"
"I'd rather only tell it once, if you don't mind, the others will be here shortly" he responded.

Kyri nodded as Barrett De Laney entered the chamber with a concerned expression.

Dhugal and Kelson sat by the fire in Kelson's rooms after Duncan returned to his bed. Talking softly over mulled wine they discussed the situation and the strategy of how to deal with it. Kelson decided to sound out Dhugal on what to about Derry where Morgan was concerned. He also wanted Dhugal's opinion on his plans for Rory. Kelson didn't plan on having Rory end up like his elder brother. Kelson wanted Rory to eventually have a place on the council. Somewhere in the wee hours they parted and sought some sleep.



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